Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Escalante to Arches and then into Colorado

Today was complete and utter scenic overload. I can’t even begin to describe what a strange and beautiful place southern Utah is. I think the following exchange between myself and someone at the campfire last night sums it up well

ME: So what are some of y’alls favorite spots in Southern Utah?
GUY: Yes.

Nuf said. Everywhere you go is amazing. Today’s trip from Escalante to Arches had my jaw dropping at every turn. I couldn’t believe it. I even took a direct route that bypassed one of the most scenic roads in Utah and I was still amazed.

The day started in the wonderful town of Escelante. When packing up my tent and getting ready to hit the road I met a really cool couple from Blowing Rock NC. They’re running a production company in Vegas now but their license plate still says “First in Flight”. I love meeting other folks from NC and Faron and Sarah were no exception to my sentiments. Great people. They’ve got the travel spirit and are in Utah filming the Escape Adventures crew doing all types of adventure sports throughout the area.

After chatting for a bit, I repaired my stove (how is it that Escalante Outfitters even had all the parts I needed for my 15 year old stove!?) threw a scone in my face and jumped in the car with the hope of making Denver by 10 PM. About 5 minutes into the drive I slowly began to get the feeling that I had no hope of getting even close to Denver by midnight.

My drive ended up taking me through the State parks near Escalante, across Capital Reef and to Arches.

The drive wound through amazing scenery and strange landscapes cut by erosion.

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By the time I go to Capital Reef (didn’t even expect to go there, it was just in the way of getting to arches) I was screaming at God, “How the hell do you expect me to get anywhere if you keep on throwing beautiful scenery in my way?”

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There were barren landscape, desert, and finally Arches.

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Arches was an incredible finale for Southern Utah. It doesn’t get any stranger than that. Next Time, I’ll see more of it.

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I made it as far as Highline Lake State Park in Colorado where I am right now. They have hot showers, grassy camping spots and, from what I can hear, about a million crickets.

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